A clarion call for hopeful generosity, Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot (“Break with hungry men thy bread”), BWV 39 premiered on June 23, 1726 as part of Bach’s third cantata cycle. The 7-part work has a beautifully symmetrical form. It opens with a chorus, followed by a bass recitative and alto aria. Next, a bass solo with text from the gospel anchors the center of the piece, followed by a soprano aria and bass recitative, and the final chorale. Beginning with a lively, yet anguished ritornello, the piece finishes in a rapturous mood in an unusual 3/8 meter.

Colorado Bach Ensemble’s “Cantata Insights Series” gives audiences an opportunity to learn more about Bach’s many cantatas. In these popular and educational concerts, Artistic Director James Kim has a special way of explaining what he knows, drawing you into the wonders of Bach’s music. After James gives his insights on a “guided tour” through the cantata, the ensemble performs the work in its entirety, giving the audience a fresh perspective of one of Bach’s magnificent works.

Reserve Tickets – September 15