Solemn and powerful, O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (“O eternity, you word of thunder”), BWV 20 premiered on June 11, 1724 as part of Bach’s second cantata cycle at Thomaskirche. This piece marks the second time Bach set this text to a cantata (his previous attempt resulted in BWV 60). Clearly, the dramatic libretto left Bach hungry to explore the text more. Unusually structured into 11 movements with two main parts, the work contains two chorale tunes to mark the end of each larger section.

Colorado Bach Ensemble’s “Cantata Insights Series” gives audiences an opportunity to learn more about Bach’s many cantatas. In these popular and educational concerts, Artistic Director James Kim has a special way of explaining what he knows, drawing you into the wonders of Bach’s music. After James gives his insights on a “guided tour” through the cantata, the ensemble performs the work in its entirety, giving the audience a fresh perspective of one of Bach’s magnificent works.

Reserve Tickets – March 30